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Specifications Samsung Google Android Nexus One

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Android family is now richer by the release of the latest android hp type called Nexus. Google's mobile device manufacturing yield is bringing HTC and Android system,  combined with attractive touchscreen.

The specifications are as follows :

With the Android 2.1 OS and Qualcomm Snapdragon processor faster ( QSD 8250 ) 1 Ghz speed, this phone may not be too disappointed consumers. Here are some data on the specifications of Google Nexus One :

- Touch screen 3.7-inch WVGA AMOLED
- HSDPA 7.2Mbps, HSUPA 2Mbps
- 3 color LED notification
- Haptic Feedback
- Akselorometer
- Sensor Light
- Proximity Sensor
- Digital Compass
- Wi Fi
- 3.5 mm audio Jack
- Active noise cancellation
- 5MP camera , with autofocus, LED flash, geotagging and 2x digital zoom
- Stereo Bluetooth 2.1
- 512 MB RAM
- Battery 1400mAh

Nexus it self rumored to be circulating in yhe U.S. market starting January 5, 2010. Google now has its own Android device that not only would challenge the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile phone users such as the HTC Hero Android and Motorola Droid.

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